Diet culture

Close to 20% of Aussie women
is wasting
Close to 20% of
Aussie women
spend 07:59:55 hours  each  week thinking  about  weight  loss
women’s time
That’s equivalent to one extra working day each week.
Yet, in the last decade, rates of obesity have almost doubled.
Clearly, the “eat less, move more” approach to weight loss is failing Australian women.
Eat less,
move more

The heavy burden
of diet culture

Spending 8 hours a week thinking about weight loss means 8 hours less quality time with loved ones.
8 hours less quality time with loved ones.
It’s an extra work day every week spent weighed down by thoughts of weight loss.

With busy lives, juggling full-time jobs and families, time is precious to the average Australian woman.

So what’s causing women to invest such an unreasonable amount of time and energy into managing their weight?

Emotional toll

1 in 5 women say they first started dieting as a child. Yet over one-third of Australian women say they were unsuccessful in their most recent attempt to lose weight, long-term.

Limited clinical support

52% of women feel judged for their weight by the GP. As a result, 79% of these women avoid seeking medical advice.

Regional inequality

Women in rural and regional areas have limited access to regular consults, despite being at greater risk of developing weight-related conditions, including type-2 diabetes.

Further medical costs

The risk of developing other health issues related to obesity, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers is high – all of which would create significant financial strain on the average individual.

The cost of weight loss by numbers

Emotional toll

More Than

of women attempting to lose weight  experience negative emotions, including feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, overwhelm and powerlessness
of women restrict their eating habits or diet at some time every year
1 in 4
women say they first started dieting as a child


1 mil
women are on a diet or actively restricting their eating permanently to lose weight
Limited clinical support
of women who actively diet say they did not consult with a healthcare professional in their most recent attempt at weight loss
of women who chose to not consult with a health care professional say they can’t afford additional help
Women who consult with a healthcare professional are 65% more likely to successfully lose weight, long-term
of women who chose to not consult with a health care professional say they can’t afford additional help
of women say they were unsuccessful in their last attempt at weight loss
Women who consult with a healthcare professional are 65% more likely to successfully lose weight, long-term
Regional inequality
of women in regional areas can’t afford to consult with a healthcare professional when it comes to weight loss
of women in regional areas either don’t have access to a healthcare professional, can’t get an appointment, or don’t have a regular GP to talk to about weight loss
Women in metropolitan areas are 1.43 time more likely to consult a healthcare professional, despite regional and regional women being at greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes
Women in regional areas are more likely than their urban counterparts to experience negative emotions when it comes to weight loss

Patient-first care

Our holistic program gives patients exactly the support they need, wherever they are.

“I found myself withdrawing from some social engagements because I wasn’t happy in myself due to my weight. I avoided clothes shopping because it so often got me down. I was too intimidated to join a gym. I avoided showing flesh at the beach or pools… Thankfully I feel like a different person now. I have excitement and optimism about my future as I age.”
“I felt shame that I had let myself go and didn’t want to be told face-to-face the harsh reality of my poor health… I would’ve needed an army of health professionals to fix my sore knees, my aching back, my blood pressure and- cholesterol, my sleep problems, my lethargy and my sometimes fragile mental state. I just felt it was all too much to reach out to various services and get help.” Sue, Sydney
“My GP is great, but the demand on the practice meant she didn’t get back to me so I sought an alternative and found Juniper. A lot of people where I live seem to go for the surgical option, however, I wasn’t keen to do this.”Alice, Wagga Wagga

Expert support

“More time and money than ever before is being invested in dieting and perceived quick fixes when obesity is a medical condition that requires professional support and medical intervention...
We simply can’t expect women to undo thousands of years of adaptation to starvation in a matter of weeks or months by ‘eating less and moving more’.
This mantra is failing Australian women. It’s hard-wired, built-in physiology.”
Endocrinologist and Juniper weight expert,
Dr Ramy Bishay

We’re winning women back their lost time

Our Weight Reset Program helps handle the mental strain of weight loss, so you can focus on reaching your goals.

In a study looking at one of our treatment options, Juniper patients were twice as likely to lose at least 15% of their body weight, compared to the clinical trial of the same treatment


Juniper’s model of care takes a holistic approach, combining proven treatments with support from a dedicated team of allied health professionals.

Learn More

Breakthrough treatments

Our medical treatments are medically backed to help reduce hunger, curb cravings and improve metabolic function.

Regional access

Close to 30% of our patients are located in regional or rural areas. On average, patients receive at least 10 touch points of communication with our platform in the first two weeks of their program.

1:1 support

Every Juniper patient is connected with a multidisciplinary team, consisting of a GP or nurse practitioner, nutritionist, health coach and patient support officer to coordinate care throughout their weight loss journey

Professional health coaching

Quality nutrition, exercise and accountability coaching from a personal health coach, in your pocket.

How we’re changing healthcare

We’re on a mission to deliver high-touch, high-quality healthcare to every Australian.

Discover how we’re making this dream a reality.

regional access

Increasing regional access

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Delivering high-quality telehealth

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patient safety

Maximising patient safety

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